Government funds for tapping into the overseas market

Grant Types #2: Getting new customers

Local, national and international – Digital business (especially marketing and sales) and exporting. With any Australian business with internet access now having access to customers in other countries, a significant grant area is getting direct financial assistance with developing an export market. Called the Export Market Development Grant, or EMDG. It offers a 50 per cent reimbursement (capped at $150,000 per application) for eligible businesses who are spending money on activities that promote their product, good or service to the overseas market.

The EMDG is designed to see businesses through their overseas market exploration phase. From the idea phase to the commercialisation phase, following on to overseas expansion, the federal government can play a large part in funding your business along the way.

To see if you can get new customers from overseas with the use of an EMDG visit: